Die SOS-Kinderdorf Stiftung unterstützt die Arbeit des SOS-Kinderdorf Vereins durch Erträge aus nachhaltiger Wertanlage. Ziel ist es durch die aktivierende Kampagne neue Zustifter für die Arbeit der SOS-Kinderdörfer zu gewinnen und damit langfristig Kindern zu helfen.
The campaign's illustrative style stands out in the field of classic foundation communication, thus accentuating the work of the SOS Children's Village Foundation. Its emotional motifs appeal directly to future donors. They were predominantly placed as free filler ads and achieved a media volume of around EUR 500,000. The motifs were also featured digitally on the foundation's social media channels, among others.
The campaign was awarded the 2021 iF Design Award.
Campaign development, illustration style

From foundation to donor
The illustrative style of the motifs stands out in the context of classic foundation communication and creates a high degree of brand recognition for the SOS Children's Village Foundation. The illustrations were developed in cooperation with illustrator Francesco Ciccolella.